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Considerations to Make When Looking for the Best OB-GYN in Oakland


When it comes to sexual and reproductive health, it is really difficult to differentiate between potential health problem signs and normal signs. When you start to notice changes with your body, it is recommended to ensure you visit a gynecologist. Here are some signs which you should consult your gynecologist when they happen.


1.            Painful Periods


It is common for most women to experience periods at unpleasant times. Breast soreness, cramps and headaches are some common menstruation symptoms. For other women, period pain extends beyond cramps and can be severe. Uterus endometriosis and uterus fibroids are some common signs which are as a result of extended period pains which start to get worse.


It is a top recommendation for patients suffering from this condition to always seek help from doctors for a solution since the solution can be managed. There is no need to suffer with there conditions especially when there are solutions which you can get. Learn more about OBGYN at


2.            Vaginal Odor


Even though vaginal odor can be quite a discomfortable topic, it is essential to talk with your doctor in case of a foul smell. When you notice changes in your body from the normal smell that lasts a few days, it is recommended to always consult a gynecologist in Rochester. This could be a sign of bacterial infection of bacterial overgrowth.


3.            Swelling Bumps or Growths


When you notice a growth in your vagina or around the labia area, this should raise a red flag. This could be caused by the development of ingrown hair, cuts from shaving or even unknown growth. Bumps in most cases are benign, however it is important to ensure a doctor performs an examination when you feel something.


Genital warts are generally visible from time to time in most cases. With time, the herpes lesions tend to heal over time while this ranges from one to two weeks. This makes it essential to ensure that you visit a gynecologist at oaklandmacombobgyn.comin case of an outbreak.


4.            Sexual Discomfort


It is essential to ensure you consult with a gynecologist in relation to any sexual discomfort that you many have. It can prove to be an uncomfortable topic especially explaining the matter to your gynecologist, therefore you should ensure that your concerns are addressed.

Vaginal dryness is a common problem experienced by most women during intercourse. This is majorly due to the age of the woman and other mitigating factors in their life.


 Dryness can also be caused by lack of foreplay and arousal before sex. Women with postmenopausal, and the dryness can be caused by the low estrogen count in the body. In case you experience pain during sex, it is recommended to use other sexual positions.

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